Love Poem: The Golden Road of Kindness
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Written by: Mark Stucky

The Golden Road of Kindness

Out of a dusty, destitute, monochrome world,
kindness is a technicolor yellow brick road.
Its pavement winds through perilous forests and fields,
leading to a glittering promise of hope and home.

Making the lengthy journey
requires kindness to others,
and being able to truly be kind
requires certain crucial components.
Kindness needs a heart for compassion,
without which no kind acts would happen.
Kindness needs a brain with empathic wisdom
for knowing how to meet needs of another.
Kindness needs courage for the hazardous times
when being kind is risky, even dangerous.

We need not always walk the path alone.
We meet companions along our journey.
With your heart and brain and courage,
will you walk that golden path with us?

(See also my poems “A Kindness Creed,” “Quantum Acts of Kindness,” and “Get Well Card to Kindness.”)