Love Poem: The Golden Rule
Mike Gentile Avatar
Written by: Mike Gentile

The Golden Rule

A phrase we’re all familiar with
                                 I write about today
In slightly different context
                     my words come out to play

For in my house there dwells a pup
                      who bears a fleece of gold 
A tongue of pink for kisses
                          a paw he’ll let you hold

Retriever is his trait by name
                         He never gets the blues
He’s much too busy chasing balls 
                   and hiding grandma’s shoes

His eyes so brown and gaze so deep
                   could melt the coldest heart
The fluffiest companion
                          and oh, did I say smart

Yet I digress, back to that phrase
                        I’ll take you all to school
For in my house, treats on demand
                       That is “The Golden Rule”

Monte, My beautiful Golden Retriever