The Good Life
Set your goals so lofty , that the clouds call them the sky..
We can never be all things to all people, but we sure as hell can try..
Always be the person, who has others in your debt..
But never take the payback, let Love be the off-set..
Hold your head in confidence, even when others around you quake..
Good leaders always feel the pain, but they bend so they don't break.
Wear your feelings on your sleeve, life is not a poker game..
Don't just tell your love-ones how you feel, you must show them just the same
So take too many pictures and smile from ear-to-ear..
You're the boss of your own happiness and get to paint the picture clear..
The most important thing in life, is not so hard to find..
Some walk this world for a hundred years, and still their heart is blind..
Love is the thing I speak of, it's what we're put on this earth to do..
The more you give out the more you get back, live a life that will prove this true..