The Great I Am
Author Dana Redricks
April 11, 2020
He's historically an amazing God.
The Great I AM. He's truly monumental.
There's nothing, or no one can stop Him.
His Son Jesus Christ laid His life, and
became the sacrificial Lamb for our
deliverance. The King of Kings, our
Mighty God. He's fondamental, and
everything he does is very necessary.
What He does is meant for our good.
Rather we live in a mansion, or live in
the hood God's love knows no boundaries.
He loves each one of us as individuals.
From sunup to sun down He's thinking
of us. There's no love greater than our
mighty God. He's the Great I AM. He's so
indescribable. He's omnipotent,
omnipresent, His love, and mercy
endureth forever.