Love Poem: The Greatest Gift Ever Given
Michael Tor Avatar
Written by: Michael Tor

The Greatest Gift Ever Given

This quiet night the earth was still.
A Virgin birth would be fulfilled.
A real bright star would lead their way,
to a manger, so far away.
The Magi's gifts were for a King.
Frankincense , Myrrh, and Gold, to bring.
Mary's miracle comes to life, as
Joseph watched with great surprise.
This precious scene, God-Child arrives.
As the Magi's hear, the baby's cries.
Simeon asked to hold the son,
for he knows, he's the Holy one.
Amazing grace was felt within.
As they all praised, the new born King.
Jesus, Jesus this gift from God.
He sent for us from up above.
Oh Holy Night the Angels sing,
to us is brought, a new born King.
Dying for us and then risen.
The greatest gift, ever given.

Did you know that the three gifts the
Magi brought the new born Jesus had
very special meaning? The Frankincense
symbolized Jesus Divinity and Godly role.
The Gold symbolized Jesus Kingship, and
the Myrrh symbolized Jesus death and
Embalming fragrance. The greatest gifts 
didn't come from the Magi. It came from
Jesus, for Jesus gave up his life and died
for us so by repenting and believing in 
him he promises forgiveness and 
everlasting life in Heaven. The Greatest
Gift Ever Given was Jesus himself to die 
and take our penalty of sin, a man who 
never sinned. How great was he?

Wishing Everyone Peace, Love and Joy
during Christmas, God bless you all...