The Greatest of These
A Pharisee once asked Jesus
“What’s the greatest commandment?”
He answered with the age-old Shema.
“Love your God with your heart, soul and mind.”
and then he added “love your neighbor
as you love yourself.” That defines charity.
1 Corinthians 13 is called the love chapter
Paul wrote to Christians of faith and hope and charity
He said – charity (love) is the greatest of these three.
Because of my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Because of my hope of eternal life with Him,
I can do deeds of charity with pleasure.
Simple things like Dorcas did in the Bible
She sewed garments for needy people.
she showed Jesus' love - her greatest talent.
Greater love has no man than He lay down his life
for the good of those who need help around him.
Charity is loving others like Jesus loves us.
October 18, 2019
contest: 1 Corinthians 13:13 Inspiration
host: Regina Riddle
18 lines, free verse