Love Poem: The Greatest One
Eiza Evangelista Avatar
Written by: Eiza Evangelista

The Greatest One

It was uplifting morning when I spoke to you,
Reuniting my spirit, making it closer to you,
I felt your love and forgiveness,
While I am in the midst of my loneliness.

Sorry for all my trespasses,
Sorry for all my blindness,
Sorry for all my weaknesses,
Sorry for all my wickedness,

You spoke through my guilty heart, 
As it mumbles with shames,
And my spirit rejoices as I acclaim your name.
O God, purify my heart, cleanse away my pain.

You've shown your ways, pouring graces upon,
By cleansing this heart and soul of mine,
Washing away with the blood of Your Son,
I am one blessed child of You our Greatest one.