The Guarantees of Love
Joy . . .
Love guarantees cheerful greetings to the truth but will not welcome evil tidings.
Peace . . .
Love guarantees that no account of wrongs will be kept, and it will not be
Patience . . .
Love guarantees perseverance without complaint because love abides through
all things.
Gentleness . . .
Love guarantees a readiness to help and will quietly cover all things from harm.
Goodness . . .
Love guarantees not to be covetous, and it will not seek its own conceits.
Faith . . .
Love guarantees commitment and expectancy, because love will never fall away.
Meekness . . .
Love guarantees not to be pompous, and it will not push itself forward.
Temperance . . .
Love guarantees to do what is proper and fitting and will not be exasperated.
Love guarantees no limit to any of these
because against such there is no law.