The Happiest Day of My Life
The happiest day of my life, hmmmmm, let’s see
Would that be the day I met my true love, or
Would it be the day he returned to me
You see, I am trying to reason this out
Which of the days are more important
Which holds more significance for me
The day we met, made history sweet
The day he returned made my future bright
Let me tell you about the day we met
We were in church, on a blessed Sabbath Day
He was a visitor, I a regular member
I sang like a nightingale, so he said
He was instantly drawn to me
But very shy he was
He tried to meet me, his friend as a front
I, not knowing my worth to him
Thought he was out for to play
So didn’t take him seriously
Even though my heart said I should
I made a fool of what was given by God
Thank God for second chances
I have gotten back what was intended
A chance of a life, with my only true love
The day he found me
Rekindle sweet memories
But this is the start of something new
New beginnings, new resolve, new me
New life, new us, new emotions
The past was the start
Today the restart
I was happy then
Today I am happier
So, I guess when he found me again
Was a very happy day
The happiest day, however, will be
When we stand together, to say
I do
That will be, the happiest day of my life
For Carol Brown’s: The Happiest Day Of My Life