The Happy Bows Turned Fake
Always I passed beside the bows
But never I personally taste its pain
Successfully once I entered its realm
Getting the hope of blissful heaven .
Ah ! What a happy life you and me
Thinking never I will leave the bows
But you betrayed being other spouse
And I know now the pains of happy bows .
The nature started to sing when we united
Now I see them weeping days and nights
When I passed by and painfully observed
And now never the bows sing as you part .
Once you yet entered there after the parting
To make the bows clam and bliss with
Your pretended weep that the bows believe
But not so long the the bows surmised
The betrayed your weeping was fake always .
When I at first dare not to entered the bows
To have the pains of their taste to the least
But now I have become the Friend of
The fake bows for Every days having no rest .
Like the short clothed nature I surmise
You and I became united for a few days
For the peeping bows' happiness to taste
But the bows happiness turned fake Always .
Composed on :- 09/9/17 @ 12.00 pm