The Harmony of Diversity
Should you fear the difference in me
Should you fear the depth of my essence
Should you fear the unfamiliar personality
The independent nature, the unusual originality
Pray, lower your swords, throw them away
And raise up your hands to throw at me your commands
Yes, know that I mean you no harm
Know that I remain a submissive soul
Submissive and obedient to the ways of life
Care I solely to have my uniqueness accepted
As I accept that of yours and that of the rest of the world!
Fear not the unexplored ocean that rages in me
Fear not the soothing notes that are played by my heart
Fear not the wolves that protect my body
Fear not the distant gaze that I throw upon you
Know that I've seen both the higher realms and the lower ones
Know that I've chosen to wear a crown of flowers on my head
Know that I'm a peaceful soul
Meaning not to shatter your brittle soul
For I've already had mine torn apart; and; sewn back
By the Goddesses of Heaven, who, pitying me,
Gave me my difference as a boon of mercy!
Pray, come, come and sit with me in the mystical bond
That binds us, together, we shall weave words
Words, which have never been read as such, on Earth!