The Heart Fades With the End of Two Thousand and Fourteen
The heart fades with the end
of two thousand and fourteen
I did so want to waltz - dance away
this last two thousand and fourteen day.
You, in my arms, closing the door
on another year – 2014, gone for evermore.
There comes a time – sometimes –
when words in ones rhymes
sets free the human spirit,
lets the ghostly past slip past it,
it’s chains that have bound tightly
the soul, to precious moments - rightly
or wrongly - that live in the light of a rainbow.
This, only a true heart, true love, comes to know.
Moments that most, seldom come to experience,
seldom, smell the roses, intimately know their fragrance,
seldom, or never find it easy to tough down,
seldom on bend and knee, reach up, kiss the ground.
Lucky !!! – I have touched the edges of this state.
Forever lasting – never to be my fate.
That has been the journey,
living it has seemed an eternity.
B. J. “A ” 2
January 3rd 2015