The Heart of a Man
T o those women who don’t know, that love was manifested when a man was just an embryo
H is very being was developed to love a woman unconditionally and so, in my poetry
E verything is for my Queen, for I am her King; she is the glow inside of me
H is heart beats to the rhythm of her love, which was manifested from above
E very man knows that woman is his kryptonite; that’s evident in the acrostic I write
A ffectionally, I pull my woman close at night as only she can quench my appetite
R ealistically, she is the life inside of me which is a constant glow
T echnically, our love is like universal poetry and God forbid if I should ever let her go!
O bject of my affection, yet she is more than a mere object
F rom heaven to earth, we’re a heavenly connection which makes us perfect!
A n angel on earth that was sent from above for me, to love from the time of my birth
M an and woman, made for one another neither can happily exist without the other
A nd as I bring this Acrostic to a close, I think about my counter part
N othing can compare to her for she’s the one I chose and she’s forever in my heart!!!