Love Poem: The Heart of God
David Richmond Avatar
Written by: David Richmond

The Heart of God

When you feel lonely and afraid
with no one to come to your aid
look up friend, pray to God above,
and discover His heart of love.

If you feel that folks do not care,
and their words often bring a tear.
Turn to God when foes your name trash,
His heart is full of compassion.

A woman suffered many years,
with bleeding that roused her worst fears. 
She touched the Master’s garment’s hem
and felt a heart of empathy.
When those you love most wound your heart,
with sharp words that pierce like a dart. 
Ask God your wounded heart to bind
His heart is so caring and kind.

If you feel burdened down with sin
and mired in mess to your chin.
Pray to your God, stop murmuring
His heart is just and merciful. 

When you have blown it royally,
and your foes triumph joyfully,
‘Tis when you need to stop and pray
and prove that God’s heart is gracious.

In this life, you often stumble,
and your flaws cause folks to grumble.
Friends and foes may keep you at bay
but God’s heart for you is patient.

The heart of men is harsh and cold.
When the things that you are told,
break your heart, and your spirit bend,
pray to God, His heart is tender.

Lord, I would be completely Thine.
May your heart be infused in mine.
With your traits from my heart shining
I will heal souls that are pining.