The Heavenly Most Praised Spirit Is My Beloved
The magic that exist between our lips is magnetic,
Attracting us strongly as we grow closer,
We resemble the earth and the moon,
Coinciding together naturally under the power of love,
You're the burning flame at the center of my very existence,
Your love breaths life into my lungs,
With out you I feel choked and cannot breath,
When you are gone, I feel like I'm in a state of inertia,
Frozen alone in a place that could be so cold,
A desolate lonely soul,
To remember my beloved keeps me warm like sunrise,
To embrace and hold you keep me grounded
Secure like a ship anchored at sea.
Love is the shore of safety,
And you are my star that shines in the darkness
Guiding to salvation,
I am humbled to dust beneath your throne,
The dust the most high created us from.
Trapped in this void of purgatory, Sheol,
The bazark
Dead to the world
You shined your heavenly light upon me,
You resurrected me with your love,
The spark in the five levels of your heart
Is more powerful then 5,000 lightning bolts
Your appearance more stunning than thunder,
Your rain washing my soul
Reviving our love,
Bringing to fruition the ultimate symbol of our love,
Oh how I wish to smell your divine fragrance,
The fragrance of saints,
The fragrance of angels,
The essence of love,
God is love,
When love is manifested it is beauty,
You are beautiful,
My love,
My lover,
My beloved,
I love God
The reflection of perfection in you,
Bringing about peace,
I submit to God,
I submit to love.