Love Poem: The Hopeless Romantic
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Written by: Daron Long

The Hopeless Romantic

The hopeless romantic tries so frantically but can’t find love
all he wants is somebody to love and cherish
just one person to completely trust
he goes through his life
living from crush to crush
living from letdown to letdown 
living from heartbreak to heartbreak
living from heartache to heartache
He can never win
lucky to have a girlfriend
but, a fiancee or a wife?
not in this life
romance like that will never happen
he lacks something
he lacks some sort of attraction
in an alternate universe he has hope, even a chance
but in reality,
there is no hope, there is no chance,
there will never be any romance in his life
no matter how calm or frantic he is,
in this life,
he is destined to live
and only,
a hopeless romantic