The Horse of Course
My horse
I look upon the fields as I walk upon the meadows
Nodding my head slightly making different shadows,
I am at my happiest when you ride on me with saddle
As I gallop through the mud and water to paddle,
Thanks for cleaning out my barn i know theres a lot to do
I can't do it myself I've only got hooves,
I know that I kick you when you decide to brush my hair
It's my way of saying I know you want me to look nice but I don't care,
Thanks for the carrots and the odd Apple or two
Can you get more red ones they're sweeter too
I didn't mean to bolt off in the middle of night
As you got drenched looking for me giving you a fright,
Sometimes i get mischievous and not want go to bed
I like to stay out and look at the stars instead,
So thanks for the pats and strokes you give to me
I would return the favour if I had hands you see.
My Horse