The Human Side
Upon a quiet evening
With the setting of the sun
In a second’s fleeting
A small mistake was done
Faith looked away to seeking
Provisions sent by man
The human side believing
Past love would understand
As Peter walked on water
Eyes focused on the Savior
His human side could not accept
God giving him this favor.
My human side was drowning
Faith could not keep me up
To send cash app requesting
Past flame to fill my cup
And at that instant, my God
In a ‘Job’ like whirlwind came
Chairs and plants strewn everywhere
As He spoke, “I am the same.”
He was still Jehovah Jireh
My needs He would provide
How dare I take my eyes off Him
And plead the human side
The wind calmed and a newness grew
To a soothing, subtle song
Feeling a shift in my spiritual world
Closing doors on a love long gone
In the evening’s peaceful stillness
I hear the promise in God’s words.
“When you doubt if I'll provide
Consider the lilies and the birds.”