The Hunger Project
Dedicated to Valerie Haper, actress and John Denver, singer!
Who were just wo, of hundreds who launched the Hunger Project,
In 1976!
Original title was a Salute to Valerie Haper. But it was not
adequate. It was more about life and the power we all go do
Panagiota Romios
Free of your disease, you have left this earth.
San Francisco, so wonderfully pristine in 1976.
is when I first met you, both embroiled in the
transformational mix.
A commitment to a "world that works for everyone."
The seminars and events we attended had far
deeper purposes than just having fun.
I didn't realize that in those seminars, I would
learn that I was the cause of my own problems.
Yes...every single one!
We got to experience that life was not to be lived,
just for me! That's the most vacuous way to get
to eternity!
The true prize was serving our fellowman!
And acknowdging others as often as we could.
Became the hallmark, the gift, we held in our hands.
I never knew the magic of that world we lived in,
It was so distant from "it's all about me world" and
the empty prizes it delivers.
To live for me being top dog, gives me chills and
Along came John Denver, with a unique idea. How
about ending world hunger. What?
Was he smoking some good California pot?
But he was the start of the Hunger Project.
And hundreds of us got it off ground
John played his guitar, what an inspiration.
And people looked at us like we were crazy, when we
enrolled them in the Hunger Project.
I remember my daughter who was just nine, working
with us, too.
Her contribution to humanity was more than fine.
Valerie! I remember you at an acknowledgement dinner
for one of one stalwart women.
We dressed in formals, our dates in tuxedos.
What a thrill to meet high on a foggy hill
The Mark Hopkins Hotel, in an evening that remains
In my heart, so beautifully regal!
Dinner, sitting down, served with total grace and
And we honored the guest that night for all her contributions
to make the world work for everyone.
I was in awe, that night, as after dinner, giant sliding
doors opened, and there was a full orchestra.
We all were Cinderellas dancing at a ball.
Ah, such a night, Harvey Korman was there, I had a
picture taken with him, next to an elegant chair!
This night may, indeed be gone!
But my comitment to make a world that works
for everyone is alive within me still.
And to not be so selfish, egotistical and small.
That here at the Soup not about winning every
contest and climb any Best wall.
While commenting to only best, and ignoring the
I maybe writing less, but there are many poems
of mine, crying for more readers.
Other poets, too experience this!
I seek those out especially with few comments.
Indeed I have said this before~ it makes no sense
to me only post to thosd that have 25 comments
ot more.
~~~,Acknowledge more! Its a great gift.~~
Dedicated to Valerie Harper, RIP
Panagiota Romios
September 3, 2019