That look and that stare. A crave and passion for desire; That will set my loins on fire. The motion coming in my direction. If used right a deadly weapon. That walk and seductive talk. The aroma and scent of lust. I got have it is a must. The energy and lure. Any broken heart she is the cure. As I prowl and lurk. She sets up for the hunt. Making him sweat and making him work. As the scent of the hunt is in the air. She struts swinging her hair. His eyes buck and his jaws drop. That walk made his heart stop. He starts stretching and flexing. She smiles and licks her lips. Now it is her turn to entice with the swaying of her hips. He stands up to show off his six pack. She turns to right and then to her back. They both sweat from the brow. Hinting to each other what is up now. They see the bedroom door. They get up and say no more.