The Hurting Side of Love
Love can cut you like a knife
Leaving ones heart and soul to bleed
Love can steal away your life
Or so it may seem
Love can cause such grief and relentless pain
So much so you don't know just where to turn
Making one to let go of the hurt by letting it fall from their eyes like rain
Love can make you wonder as to why is it always you who gets burned
Love can leave you constantly feeling confused
Walking around in a trance
Love can make you feel like you keep letting yourself be used
Saying why did I let them in my heart, how could I have taken that second glance
Love will cause one to be in a daze
To where you can't seem to catch yourself
You are running around inside a maze
And now matter how you try you just can't stop this damn race
Love can set ones soul on fire
Burn so hot and for oh so long
And you want so much your hearts true desire
Down deep you know it's so right there is no way it can ever be wrong
Love can be all this and to many others it can be so much more
Afraid to open up and let someone in
Because you've been hurt so deeply before
You need to let go however and once again begin
How will you know it's a mistake if you never even try
The not knowing is the worst leaves you with nothing but regrets
And that rain from your eyes will forever cry
Although you try to put up that wall and your heart and soul you tormentinly protect
Love is still worth taking that risk
Crossing that line and taking that chance
Release your fears throw caution into the wind which is ever so brisk
Let yourself know true romance
So you can then find what and who you really are
Then and only then can one really go far