The Husband Or the Poet
You tell me in a soupmail, how so unhappy you truly are.
If I could travel beyond this cell, I would catch you a fallen star!
You married a man with whom you have no connection.
He don't understand you, but you're my idea of perfection!
He refuses to give you a divorce, Oh well, leave him be.
If you believe in love, I'm the source, for it radiates off me!
Momma once said, there's bound to be days like htis.
Let me make love in your head, and give you a poetic kiss!
You are absolutely gorgeous from the outside in, never forget that.
I promise with me you'll never hurt again, so enter my cozy habitat!
Soon things will be better, and your dark sky will part.
I'll comfort you in letters, and do all I can to be the man that wins your heart!
Have no fear, for I will eternally be the man you long for.
I vow to always hold you dear, just don't lock your hearts door!
Believe in these heart warming words, for they ring true.
I'm not trying to write lines you've already heard, for I appreciate your value!
I'll supply your every need, and be all you desire.
I'm determined to succeed, and only you can quench my raging fire!
So let go of that zero, and be with a non-selfish, passionate man.
I'll be your eternal hero, as long as you'll be my woman!!