The Impossible Dream?!
Sitting beneath this pavilions golden crown carved moment ~
Slowly glancing about the crowd; peering into their eyes, their hearts; considering....
Adorned amid such a pretentious cloak!?
Redress this stroke, upon the canvas so brushed
As if the facade could hide, this empty sepulcher inside
Come not with your wilted flowers of hypocracies....
Mist like dew rising within these hollow born roots
Created in the bed so extracted from this, shallow made earths
Contaminated, wherein they have thrived!?
Yet make anew this tilling of your spirits soil
A fragrances sweet aroma for, all their senses to behold ~
Laying aside such arrogance and pride; these preludes, spoken....
Gazing upon stilled wonders embraced by a hush; refrains hopeful anticipation?!
Warmths, loving eyes fixed upon this marvel; what could be
The greatest moment ever written upon the pages of, history ~
Do you believe? What is one willing to give thus, in exchange?
Bleed not this cup of tainted blood but an offering; such mockery....
For "Heaven" waits inside the bejeweled gates amid this, silence and awe
Pondering these thoughts; a sudden twist of a fates possibilities?!
A dawning, of a brand new age ~
What will it be and, what are they willing; this cloak, of many colours
But only one, shall do....
....The impossible dream!?