The Impossible Love
The Impossible love….
By: Immaculata Ortner
Your love for me is a wonderful experience,
It feels like coming to a peaceful home.
We said a lot of words to each other
Without exchanging words, but the language of love
We fought and struggled for attention,
Like nature pushing through a dry season….
Your looks deceived, young and untamed
Your smile bring sunshine to my dying spirit,
I whisper I love you, exchanging the language of love,
Unspoken words, assurance and silent emotions
They say that absentees make the heart grow fonder,
But mine has brew beyond that…
I love you silently every day that passes
I kept busy to ease the pain of tattooed love
Your name left a permanent scar on my heart…..
“Us” with a slogan of our love ….We care, we love and trust…
Your assurance makes me feel that we can conquer all odds of life
Not to worry with the next hurdle, we will pass with no hustle
I kept my mind and soul tied together
Meeting the unknown ….
Hearts racing against the heart beat
Feeling the warmth and unspoken love shared
You break the defense walls in my life, giving all in
With no second thought of disappointment…
I love you like the first day I met you…
Let life gives us a second chance….