Son, When you decided To say good bye To your lonely dwelling place Of darkness Your first cry Announcing your royal entry In to this elegant world, I felt it as a roar Against the callous Who'd been giving Nightmares To your helpless dad. But my son, My everest mounted gladness Soon began to see dark clouds. The self same vultures Who'd been piercing their painted nails Into your papa's brain Might harm you too. It was me who culled a sweet name for you. 'Cause I wouldn't be satisfied With worn out ones by over use. But my fear was such that I concealed your musical name from them. Lest I be phoo_phooed. But when they jointed hands My kith and kins To frighten you And to make you flee, My days became tearfully And nights sleepless. Oh the pain of my soul! How do these wicked know To whom children are only byproducts!! Son,when my piece of life Was separated from me I,having left alone Resorted to singing. Those were flames from my heart. But those fools took them As a mad man's way_ward utterances. But some mysterious power was at work. I am ascending foot steps of world's glory One by one, My soul ,only to prepare way for you, Even as Jhon the Baptist Came to prepare way for jesus