The Invention of Love
The Invention of Love®
By Mark D. Stucky
When did God invent love?
Does God still hold the patent?
If patent protection expired,
is love now public domain?
How could love condense
from seething plasma
spawned by a Big Bang?
Genesis describes creation,
but how could elusive love
emerge from clay creations?
Although verses proclaim God loves us,
did love exist before humans did?
Were feelings of love present between
the Trinity’s different Persons?
When humans did appear,
was love created just for us?
Or were humans formed in order
to be loved with divine passion?
The answers I would love to know.
(Love® is a registered trademark of God.
All divine rights are unreservedly given.)
(Originally published in Agape Review, 7 April 2022. See also my poem “Trinitarian Equations” and my visual poem “Trinity Dance.”)
(Image by kyuubicreeper on