The Invitation
I had a talk with God
Just the other day
He invited me to his kingdom
And then asked me to stay.
He said the time had come
For me to leave my earthly home
To come to live with him
And be seated by his throne.
All my troubles, pains and worries
Were to very soon subside
He said my new life begins today
So I went ahead and complied.
I know it doesn't seem fair
But everything's gonna be alright
God is taking care of me now
As I rejoice in His light.
When He saw what was happening
He didn't want to see me suffer
He came down to protect me
His love became my buffer.
My friends, my family those
Who were with me my last days
I'm sorry to have broken your hearts
But this was the only way.
I know it's hard to understand
Why it had to be this way
Even more why it was me
I truly can not say.
All I know is I did
What God asked of me to do
As for which I was rewarded
When He said "I love you."
So don't be discouraged
Our day will soon come again
Keep me in your hearts and memories
We'll be together in the end.