The Ivy and the Thorns
My heart breaking, dying
Yet still glowing
The ivy growing, searching
Looks toward the light
The ivy grows toward the small beacon, only to find my small, weak heart
It grows around my heart pulling it back together
The thorns thriving, looking
Finds the hopeful glow
The thorns reach for the hopeful light
To find my heart wrapped in ivy
It grabs my heart, decides to grow
And tears at my heart
The ivy and the thorns both surround my heart, but they are different
The ivy is caring, loving and only wants to heal the wounds
The thorns are cold, unforgiving
And only want to rip at my heart and create pain
But they are also the same,
They both hold the heart, and take it as their home; they both unintentionally stitch and tear at my heart
Together the ivy and the thorns are called both love
A cruel life, but without them my heart would be in pieces.