The Job - Finale
When I got back to the hotel I knew there was nothing I could do to make this work for everyone. Her brother was the hit and had to go. Killing him would kill her and break my heart. Of course, she would never know it was I. But I wanted to get close to this woman. I wanted to be her man. And lies would never work. This woman was far to intuitive for me to think I could get away with killing her brother. If I didn’t kill him they would kill me. A hit man never walks away free. Only one thing to do.
I packed my bags and shipped my girl back home. This hit was not going to happen.
When I got back I slowly unpacked and put everything away. I had a night to sleep on it while I waited for my girl to return home.
The next day FedEx delivered her to me. We would meet our final destiny together. I tracked down my contact and said I wanted to meet. We setup the meeting for 3 PM at his place. When I walked I wasted him before he could say hello. I walked out the door and called Anna and asked her to marry me. Before she could answer I told her to meet me in Cuba at the Hotel Saratoga and she could decide then.
All she said was “yes.”