Love Poem: The Journey From Crimson

The Journey From Crimson

The Journey from Crimson

Orange chakra on stage two of the journey perennial sacrum’s waves getting longer 
                    a sensual colour accomplished spraying moistening waters tides and you

the rider surfing growth in lengthening wave swell searching for meaning
                         riddles comprised enter-prized rising let flow webbed intermingled for
pleasure desire escape from orange agentic mushroom fields of human depravation
            longing in what is here for now yet to arrive amber whiling push-pull of senses

Tangerine like Kama Sutra’s challenge in naked nocturnal novel nirvana mirrored
              layers of sensual vital living skins the secretions the challenge breathlessness
ascending from carnelian climax from joyful attained building blocks on the path and
                                      unfaltering voyage to peace condensing violence to kindness

27th `July 2016