Love Poem: The Journey of Love, Starting With Me
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Written by: Anna Adams

The Journey of Love, Starting With Me

I learned to love myself, alone,
In quiet nights, in whispered tones.
Before I searched for love outside,
I healed the wounds I couldn't hide.

I felt the sting of words once spoken,
A heart once whole now torn and broken.
But in that pain, I found my way,
A stronger soul, a brighter day.

For love is not just sweet and kind,
It’s also strength that we must find.
Even when the world turns cold,
I hold myself, my heart, my soul.

If someone leaves, if trust is lost,
I’ll never count the heavy cost.
For though it hurts, I still remain,
A heart that beats through all the pain

I am not weak, I will not fall,
Even in heartache, I stand tall.
For love begins, not from the start,
But deep within a mended heart.

So if you break me, take my trust,
I’ll rise again, because I must.
For love, though tender, sweet, and true,
Begins with me, and it’s my view.

By Anna A  Tauvaa