The Joys of Motherhood
When he pulls my hair
When he steps on my feet
When he throws a fit
Oh, the joys of motherhood
When he screams for hours
When he spits his food at me
When he, well you know, in his diaper
Oh, the joys of motherhood
When he looks up at me with those big green eyes
When he smiles real big with his five teeth
When he puts his head on my leg to let me know he is tired
Oh, the joys of motherhood
When he gets excited to see me
When he gives me a great big hug
When he says mama, or at least tries
Oh, the joys of motherhood
When I can't wait to pick him up
When I think that I wouldn't change a thing
When I see his beautiful face
I know I am experiencing
The joys of motherhood.