Love Poem: The Keeper Of Your Heart
Hasika Atham Lebbe Avatar
Written by: Hasika Atham Lebbe

The Keeper Of Your Heart

I’ll sing to your demons,
Lay in my arms, find peace in my hold.
Don’t panic when you feel yourself falling,
Keep holding onto me—I’ll never let go.

When nightmares creep in and shadows loom,
Listen to my heartbeat; it’s your lullaby.
I’ll weave stories of starlit skies and tranquil seas,
Guiding you softly into your dreams.

Tell me of your weakness; I’ll be your shield,
A steadfast guardian through every storm.
Show me your scars, etched by time and trials;
Let me soothe them, my touch a gentle balm.

Spill your secrets, unspoken and deep,
I’ll tuck them safely within my soul.
Be my tulip, vibrant and rare,
A radiant light in a sea of roses.

Together, we’ll rewrite the tale of love,
Unfolding a journey only we can know.