Love Poem: The Kernel of You...

The Kernel of You...

Two faced 
The duality of you –
I hold you sealed inside my skin
Both of your faces
Both of your voices
One named Truth
The other – Fantasy
The former is as cold and hard as all Truths are
A nugget of reality
Erratic and evocative of bitter heart’s pain
The latter is the stuff of dreams
Another you that even you don’t know
My private you
My conjured perfection
Sweetness and darkness bound into one exquisite package
I hold him pinioned tightly to my breast
In him lies everything that you are – 
But more of what you are not
And for that I love him the best
He is my shadow and my solace
My watery ray of sunlight in a dark solitude
He is my consolation for losing you
For failing at possessing the Truth
So even though I do not hold you in my arms
Nor stroke your hair nor bask in the radiance of your smile…
I count myself lucky
Because the part of you I hold captive is the most precious part;
What you would have been were you born perfect
I possess the very best of you
And fabrication of my deepest desires or not…
It’s worth loving