The Key
When he took my hand in his,
Feelings trembling in my breast,
An awkward yearning…
Breathless quest, a journey,
Into the mountains of tenderness.
Exposing gentle, its kiss crushing
Every doubt, each insecurity…
With the wonder of these feelings,
Bleeding liquid emotions, dreaming
Healing all the dark dread…
With sensitivity, the silence of wings
Freeing the wish for romance that sings
In a voice with a razor sharp edge –
Just beyond the uncertainty, into the beautiful
Faith, the believing in a joy, a hope, an inkling…
Between two hearts, two thoughts, two –
Who remember the sweetness of beautiful,
The kindness of a dream being lived out,
The music, the melody so gentle, like light
Being poured out by the buttery sun, the love
When we first met, a fire burned within –
Yet, there was a brush with the quiet of kindness,
Compassion caressing the tears, the fears
Silencing every pain, each darkness – with the laughing
Glow of a familiar breath, the breath of joy
The breath of knowing love that is living
Inside the soul who believes, the soul who sees
Beyond the darkest storm, the worst distress,
Into the mystery of a moment when love’s yearning
Frees the heart from its chest of not knowing…
With one short breath – doubt ceases to exist
And, light reflects what is best – the source of all rest,
The love that is forever the spirit’s greatest blessing,
The soul’s greatest success – the life’s permission…
To share in the joy that comes to those who simply believe…
That love is the answer if we only agree – yes, it is the key!