Love Poem: The Key
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

The Key

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Line of inquiry: By unseeking seeker “free from conditioned belief no agenda on our shelf vibrant as the light of Self life flows on all by itself” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The KEY, poem by me On the still night, winter’s breath consumes me Chilled, I shiver with the music of heartfelt dreams, Blowing through the moonlit night, so alive and free Blessings poured from the love of One who redeems. While the ache of His gentle story writes its light I feel the need to conceal the hopes that abide, Hopes of a time when He will make everything right, I’ll sing of the moment when love conquered pride. On the melodious brilliance of a kind soul’s song I know that He is offering me the joy who will survive, Telling the wind to listen, the heart to remain strong Because this is the beauty that makes me feel alive. While the glow of moon’s music reassures my prayers There is something brutal that fills me with such fear. Will I ever know what it is to entertain angels unawares? And, will the glow of His spirit make it all crystal clear? On the still night, while my dreams ache to become reality I feel the promise of His love pouring out His grace on me, Filling my soul with a purpose, as I bow to my knee – Remembering it is God’s love that remains life’s key!