Love Poem: The Kindness of a Stranger
Ann Gilmour Avatar
Written by: Ann Gilmour

The Kindness of a Stranger

The kindness of a stranger never ceases to astonish me
Like angels from above who spread a special kind of love
Seeking no reward for what to them simply comes naturally
Pass them on the street ~ a kinder soul you’d never meet
A deed may be a welcome smile for a damaged homeless man
Whilst some would rather look away; repugnance is apparent
The stranger stops to sit beside him showing that he cares
Giving him the time to talk of things that he may want to share
Evil came one dark cold night and stole one of his shoes
The stranger asked his shoe size and discreetly left another pair
Most days stopping if he’s passing, just to sit and have a chat
To listen to his thoughts and dreams ~ they put the world to rights
As winter weather worsens so the stranger worries for his plight
Taking hot drinks to him daily, knitted hat to wear at night
One cold dark morn before the dawn the man he sadly died
The frost and cold had taken its toll and when the stranger heard he cried
Sadly the man was all alone, no family no friends no one to shed tears
But the stranger showed him love and care and took away his fears
His soul now free he soars up high to watch the stranger going by
And hopes one day to meet and thank God’s angel here on earth…

Written 7th June 2020

Contest 'Kindness'
Sponsor Regina Riddle

Contest Brian's Select 7
Sponsor Brian Strand