The Kiss of Life
He almost slept (as was wonted),
When, alas he saw her lying there-
Still, as if she were in winding sheets
Upon their bed; Drawing near to her,
He heard no breath. Then, placing his hands
Upon her breast, he felt no pulse-
Vital signs that awakened him
To remove the sheets and her gown franticly!
With longing eyes of desperation
And his face to her face,
He tilted her head back in "Dear God" hope
And with repentant lips touched hers-
Now cold and dry.
Again and again, mouth to mouth,
With hands upon her breast,
As his tears' tracks traced paths to her,
He proceeded with importunity,
When, alas! Her tear stained cheeks coughed.
Her eyes opened wide; beholding him face to face
In a moment of gratitude and longing desire,
She hurriedly caressed him with forgiving lips-
Now warm and wet,
Again and again, mouth to mouth;
As she placed his hands upon her breast,
He felt her pulse,
And as she drew him near, he heard her breathe-
Vital signs that kept him thoughtful;
As she disrobed him, they lay passionately
Upon their bed removing the winding sheets;
They slept together (as was wanted).
This poem was written to complement the watercolor painting "The Kiss of Life".