The Last Dark Magic of the Keys
The time is now, you said, let it be done
I come to cause you one last piece of pain
You chose a day in summer when the rain
Fell soft upon the road like private tears
To work the last dark magic of the keys
There was a time, and not so long ago
I held your key like Smegal held the Ring
As if the holding of it meant some thing
Some plastic crucifix, some rabbit’s foot
Some lucky anchor in the wild seas
The time has come, you say, for you and me
To stand before each other one more time
In some symbolic moment quite sublime
Where I shall fall before you like the rain
Like some dead broken rose, upon my knees
There was a time, not very long ago
You had the key to me, and to my door
But all your rights to me you have forswore
And I shall fain deny you this last wish
To see my tears, and your dark purpose please
For now the time is mine, so come, and go
Come find your key beneath my Welcome mat
Beneath a grey rock under gaslight sat
Before a door forever locked to thee
For I have for mine own heart mine own key
© Gail Foster 2016