The Last Shiver
I do not see your face anymore.
Lost somewhere,
Between two memories,
I lay awake-
With so many unsaid words.
Surreal streets above me
Shiver restlessly,
As heavy sound of trucks haunt them.
I remember streetlights then
From one of our those days
Burning a hole in your face
But blinding me.
We used to collect stray words
And pebbles in a jar,
Walking long roads-
Trying to grasp
Few of those words
Both said and unsaid ones.
Ours and others.
Caging them for one day.
Now, after all this time
It's almost dawn again
And we have divided the jar.
So you stood there, strangely,
Drowning in faded streetlights
Slowly, inevitably.
Here, I lay awake
Still lost between pebbles and words
Waiting to listen
To the last shiver of the streets.
Because you took all the said words
While the unsaid ones kept me warm.