The Last Time
The last time I saw you,
It was about three years ago,
You were happy and sad at the same time,
Happy to be spending time with me,
Sad to know you would be leaving me soon,
The first time I saw you,
I felt a rush of love course through my body,
My heart was filled with joy and happiness,
I felt so happy when we were together,
Sad everytime we were apart,
I would always miss you when you left,
I knew everytime we saw each other,
Soon we would have to depart,
Everytime I was with you,
I still couldn't believe you chose me,
I couldn't believe my dream came true,
I couldn't believe I had you,
Now I am here alone,
Not knowing whether to cry or not,
You are here just lying in front of me,
Not moving not even a little bit,
Tears rolling down my face,
Maybe if I was there for you,
You would still be here,
You saw me one last time,
A huge smile on your face,
Maybe if I would have been with you,
You would still be alive,
I can't changed what happened between us,
I stand here alone wondering what we could've had,
I say good-bye for the very last time,
and as I do I give you back your lucky dime,
I just wish with all my heart,
That I could've been with you from the start,
I have one last thing to share with you,
Baby I Love You