The Last Worthless Evening
He had all that he ever wanted or so at least he had thought
But his roots were never planted but in the things he sought
His children now all grown and his wife sitting next to his side
He had everything a man could own as upon himself he relied
Everything in life was fine and there was little to worry about
Appearing like a fine wine for only a connoisseur would doubt
But underneath something was missing becoming more clear
There was no more dismissing life seeming to be so insincere
People come and people go to it there is no rhyme or reason
Staring up at the Plough as he had done every winter season
In seeing his mind began to wonder to all such greater things
Everything which is there under to such amazing Glory it sings
After sixty five long years Charlie had just now come to see
Looking through those tears his very soul had become free
So long for Charlie God waited so patiently by Charlie's side
His Word being so clearly stated it's simply a matter of pride