The Letter L
L is the first letter how life was created
L is the reason why God loves us so much
L is the season when the world started
L is the label why your name means to Him so much
L is so good in every way when you lend a helping hand
L is so forgiving when you extend it with an open hand
L is the light that you need in the dark
no matter how bad the condition spark
L is so good in anything and everything
except in things and actions that God detests
L can hurt you if there's hatred and envy that rests
L can never go wrong,
when we are guided in an upright position
L will tell us that life still goes on in any situation
L is gracious and long if you will cherish it
L can only be short at anytime when you cut it
L is the center of value -- utilize it, share it
Without this letter, everything in "life" is incomplete
Without this letter, "love" can never be complete
L, whichever direction you turn it or rotate it,
check will come out
Affirming that creations start with love and end with all
L is the greatest gift of all