The Letter's Reply
My darling, my heart respond again
In words I search for balms of pain
I cannot tell about love,
When it will come, or why it stays
Through years of sorrow and hope's decay
For I know not,
Except that I am born to love
My eyes sees your nest, my soul becomes a dove.
Nor do I possess, the reason for it
But why you, why of all earth's cradle
In you I long for rest, here I also am a riddle
I only know, I am a man under spell
My tongue forever pines for your breast
My heart longs to bring you happiness.
I have loved you since, I first saw you
A seraph voice, a rapture of light
You were a picture upon my sight
Memories keep me leashed
To hunger of days, desire consumes me
O goddess-like you are in beauty
My heart I cannot deny
How your heart ever clings to me
How your soul for my tired wings becomes my tree
You are bright and beautiful
A diamond shining in the heart of stars
A pearl that's made where the oyster scars
The most beautiful to grace my eyes
For you were the first moon that came
Behind my curtains and ignited my sacred flame
Your worth is more to me than rubies
I bow where others trample with their feet
And mount you on the pedestal a work complete
You are ever made new by the power of love
No dust nor grime can stain you, no rust defile
My sweet hibiscus, my fragrant jasmine oil
I love you, I love you, I love you
Till eternity meet eternity
Till dust shall put on immortality
I love you, Jew
My darling love, my pasion's bride, my joy
My dream's delight, and heaven sweet envoy.
I love you, Jew.