The Life Lie Down Over Sweet Lies
The Chamber in Human Mind
Character: X,Y,Z / X=Y=Z
Q .1 : What do you think about love?
Ans . X. : Well, Love is my vivid imagination.
Q .2 : How do you feel about cultivate your imagination infront of your specific human nature?
Ans .Y : I am not ready yet.
Q .3 : You should be.
Topic: The Excellent seriousness culture in misused child manner.
Chorus: The life lie down over sweet Lies
Sparkle over those shadow's
you must see,
Glimpse i never seen,
Upon the sky, (Parkinson Way)
Bump in style love comes,
Jumping Jack certain crack
raise your fate.
Trembling beach, Trembling looking glass,
OH! What i have seen !
Bend your smile over twisted lips.