The Light of Being
I am the light that casts no shadow
And would heal the world with my being.
I would touch your hearts
To ease them of their pain and despair.
Touch your minds
To ennoble them with aspirations of goodness.
I would touch your mortal frailties
To bring harmony to all their dis-ease.
Touch your souls
To awaken them from their dark abyss
And I would bring you all into the realm
Seek me ‘I AM’ divine wisdom.
Know me ‘I AM’ eternal truth.
I am the heart’s deepest desire,
The mind’s richest thought
And the quest of your yearning soul......
I’AM’ the illumination of the world
And would light with hope all it’s tomorrow’s.
I am also within you,
Your unfolding beauty and your sweetest joy.
Embrace me,in me is your destiny.
‘I AM’ supreme and my name is LOVE.