The Little Berger
Beyond the blue the Almighty lives
His geography clue the universe never leaves
Loving and kind at church they say
In the incandescent city he bears sway
King of kings He reigns supreme
Angels sing of His majesty sublime
A rod of iron with dazzling crown
Infinite mercies reach the trim of His gown
His blazon feet on pavement of gold rest
The land of knowledge where wisdom nests
There all tribulations are under arrest
And none of this here ever wrest
And He bows down the world beneath
Watching affairs down the Earth
He hears the cry of a dying world
Holding loose His hopeful immutable word
Down here pain and injustice reign
Anarchy and fear hold the reins
And righteousness and love never rain
Its tribunals and magistrates give lain
I saw it all in this little boy
Calamity and misfortune keep him abuoy
His skin wrinkled and tender flesh crusted
Where poverty is built a niche and clustered
Hardly walking and can hardly breath
Amidst town people who walk by in blithe
And so fights on till exhausted he gives in
And lays him forever silent in nature’s inn