The Little Bird
“Let’s fly!” said the little bird up in a tree.
“But I’m scared” said the bigger bird.
“Scared? You?” said the little bird,
“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you fall.”
“But the big wise owl,” said the bigger bird,
“he didn’t catch me, and the glorious eagle,
he didn’t catch me either, and I trusted them.”
“I may be just a little bird,” said the little bird,
“but I can do something they cannot..”
“What?” said the bigger bird.
“I can fly under your wing,” said the little bird,
“and help you learn to fly on your own”.
So the little bird took wing,
And the bigger bird flapped its wings real hard,
Closed his eyes and left the branch.
As he felt himself falling, he began to doubt,
“The bigger birds that I trusted with their size and
Strength all let me fall… that little bird won’t save me either.”
And just as fast as that thought began,
He felt a little tickle under his wing,
And gently he began to fly right.
And there, under his broken wing,
Was the little bird, balancing his wing on top of him.
“You… you aren’t going to leave me?”
Said the bigger bird.
“No,” said the little bird, “you need help,”
“your wing is broken and needs to heal.”
“Thank you, little bird,” said the bigger bird.
“Don’t worry,” said the little bird,
“It’s a long journey, but I know the way”.
So the little bird helped the bigger bird
Grow strong enough to fly on his own.
And one day, the bigger bird ventured out
All by himself and discovered he could fly.
“I can fly all by myself now!” sung the bigger bird.
“I see..” said the little bird feeling unimportant.
“Don’t worry”, said the bigger bird,
“I won’t leave you either.”
“Even though you don’t need me anymore?”
Said the little bird.
“I need you now more than ever,” said the bigger bird,
“for you never let me fall and stayed the whole way,”
“and on that journey I learned something else..”
Said the bigger bird.
“Oh?” said the little bird.
The bigger bird bent down to the little bird and said,
“You needed me too”.