The Little Things
The Little Things________________________________________________________________
By post script
When you said never let go, when you would call just to call or text me just to text
When you would say I just wanted to hear your voice, when you say I love you
When you touch just to feel or ask just to know, when you would call in the middle of the night
When you showed up and I wasn’t expecting you
The simple hug or kiss goodbye would bring a tear to my eye, and send a cold chill down my spine, because forever I wanted to be by your side
When you would say I was just thinking about you, when you say remember the time…
When you whispered, bit, or blew in my ear, when you were yourself around me
When you didn’t have to put on a mask or act out a play, when you were like a best friend that meant so much more to me
When you didn’t have to keep any secrets, when you knew just how to make me laugh or smile
When you knew all my likes and dislikes, when you let me love you for the simple fact that we had something stronger than trust
When I had to protect you from all that you feared
When each and every day we would sink like quicksand deeper and deeper into each other’s love
When our love was longer than time, when you said I wish I could stay in your arms forever
When you said I love everything about you, when you left a long voicemail on my phone just to say I’m thinking about you
When we didn’t care what others said, when we talked on the phone all day
When we would just stare into each other’s eyes, when we didn’t have to talk
When we shared all kinds of little moments, when we would have all kinds of stupid good and bad moments
When I thought it couldn’t get any better it got great, when I made you smile and laugh
When I didn’t have to worry, when you kissed me through the phone
When you were my better half, when you brought out the best in me
When you were the best thing that ever happened to me, when you squeezed my hand tight
When it was, it was
When it felt like it would be forever, then you said I love you a ton
Then just like that, all the little things were done.
P.S. when will forever be forever?