The Lonely Wife
She was lonely
Even though married
Companion he was not,
Somewhere the passion
Had been somehow lost,
She needed some tenderness
A soft touch and some caring,
She wanted something risque
Something a little daring,
She needed her pulse beating
She needed those loving hands feeling
She yearned and was appealing,
For spontaneity to light her up
To come along the way
The mundane day to day
And being taken for granted,
Just was not enough no more
And she could not stay silent
But utterance may cause hurt or pain
She knew not what to do,
Suffer and restrain her own needs and desires
That may set her being on fire,
Or tell him just how she feels
In hope that telling him may appeal
To his sensitive side so that he may understand,
Or fly into a rage of hurt ego and refuses to understand,
Should she just do what she desires on the quiet
And hope he never knows,
She was so unhappy with this loveless life
And was caught upon a crux,
Unsure what it is that she should do,
She sat and pondered this predicament,
Lonely and confused.